Same Employer : NSW HEALTH
Same Degree: Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Sonography
When applying to be accepted to do this postgraduate diploma everyone has the same acceptance rules.
When undertaking Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Ultrasound a specialty must be chosen (ie: cardiac, vascular, general etc):
If you chose picture A.
NSW Health decided you were worth more money than if you decided to specialise in picture B.
Again same job, same employer, same Post Graduate qualifications.
You will be placed on two completely different awards with two completely different pay scales.
This is total discrimination.
Do physiotherapists who specialize in different areas get paid differently? NO
Do Nurses who specialize in different areas get paid differently? NO
Cardiac Sonographers within NSW Health have been trying for years to get equal pay – and it falls on deaf ears.
Cardiac Sonographers are being trained through NSW Health and when they have graduated leave the Public Service because of poor wages. This has to stop, and the only way to do this is to offer equal pay for ALL Sonographers.
The HSU and all Sonographers within NSW Health should be fighting towards this goal.
NSW HEALTH needs to review our claims for equal pay NOW.
Author: C Banks (Via Facebook)
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